BelleStyle Content Creation
Shareable Content from BelleStyle.com
We are happy to introduce we are adding free shareable content from our blog! This will include recipes from our cookbook out next year, images, quotes and inspiration we hope you love. All images are ready to share with influencers and other content creators online. Use these images to inspire others, share beauty and good vibes around the world.
If you see any of our images that you want to share, please do! Just drag and pull to your desktop. Please hashtag (#bellestyle) or link to our website (bellestyle.com).
Our latest inspirations are french quotes that we love to put on natural back drops. These images were taken in Ranchos Palos Verdes, Ca while on a Oceanside hike.
I love the sea grass, it’s swaying in all different directions from the ocean breeze.
The rocks were from a hidden beach off the path of the hiking trail. A beach full of smooth oval and round grey stones in every hue of grey we love.
The view is looking back over a cliff towards a vintage lighthouse. I tried to get closer, but the antique gate that surrounded it was locked. It only let you visit on specific days and times. So beautiful. It was surrounded by a park, visitor center and benches all outside the gate. It almost seemed holy or special in some way. I love lighthouses, always have. They hold memories, they guide int dark times, they see what the sailor cannot.
The final image was of this amazing yellowing mustard, orange shell I found by the sea. the shell was so interesting I had not seen anything like it ever in my life.