June is PRIDE month, and its a time to show Pride in a person you love or yourself.
BelleStyle was born in South Beach, Miami and grew up in West Hollywood, California. Both known for their outstanding support of the LGBTQ community. WeHo (West Hollywood) the city shuts down for the Gay Pride Parade every year. Literally every single person of every spectrum of sexuality walks in the parade. I remember climbing to the top of a hotel and looking down at Hollywood Boulevard and seeing all the people walking together dressed in rainbows, feather boa’s, sparkles, heels, wigs, jewels, happiness. Singing so loud. Laughing out hard. Dancing and dancing. Then racing back down to join the parade of all races, ethnicities and all human.
All together.
People supporting people.
Love being Love.
Just love. Nothing more, nothing less, and thousands of rainbows to prove it. It’s the greatest feeling of love, and freedom and hope. And rainbows. I hope you can experience it someday whether you support the community, or you are the community. It’s really all about Love.